Saturday, June 28, 2008

How to zip a file using Java code?

We can create zip archives for files and folder contents using Java. All we need to do is to import “” namespace.

Then have to use the “ZipOutputStream” class and creating an object of that class will help us create a zip stream for creating the zip archive.

Then we need to read the files that are to be zipped in the byte stream format.

byte[] b = new byte[ (int)(cpFile.length()) ];
FileInputStream cpFileInputStream = new FileInputStream (cpFile);, 0, (int)cpFile.length());

Now, we need to add the file to the zip archive as like writing into a file of type zipStream.

ZipEntry cpZipEntry = new ZipEntry(strZipEntryName);
cpZipOutputStream.write(b, 0, (int)cpFile.length());

How to zip a folder now?
Now, we need to identify the source file type. For which we need to use “” namespace.

Then to check the type of the source parameter, we can use like,

File cpFile = new File (strSource);

System.out.println(strSource+ "is a absolute file");
else if(cpFile.isDirectory())

System.out.println(strSource+ "is a directory");
else if(cpFile.isFile())

System.out.println(strSource+ "is a simply file");
else if(cpFile.isHidden())

System.out.println(strSource+ "is a hidden file");
System.out.println("\nSource file/directory '"+strSource+ "'Not Found!");

To check whether it is a directory
cpFile.isDirectory() returns a Boolean TRUE/FALSE value from which we can go ahead with the process.

Thats it! We've done. But this is not a complete part splitted. You can add your code part to add more spices for the zipped item to achieve.

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